Country Summary: Mexico (United Mexican States)

Mexico (United Mexican States)

Country Name: Mexico (United Mexican States)

Capital: Mexico City (Ciudad de Mexico)

Government Type: federal presidential republic

Background: The site of several advanced Amerindian civilizations - including the Olmec, Toltec, Teotihuacan, Zapotec, Maya, and Aztec - Mexico was conquered and colonized by Spain in the early 16th century. Administered as the Viceroyalty of New Spain for three centuries, it achieved independence early in the 19th century.

Mexico is currently the second-largest (after Canada) goods trading partner of the US with nearly $780 billion in two-way goods trade in 2022. Mexico's GDP contracted by 8.2% in 2020 due to pandemic-induced closures, its lowest level since the Great Depression. Mexico’s economy is rebounding; it grew by 4.8% in 2021, driven largely by increased remittances, despite supply chain and pandemic-related challenges, and grew by 3% in 2022.

The US-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA, or T-MEC by its Spanish acronym) entered into force on 1 July 2020 and replaced its predecessor, the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). Mexico amended its constitution on 1 May 2019 to facilitate the implementation of the labor components of USMCA.

Ongoing economic and social concerns include low real wages, high underemployment, inequitable income distribution, and few advancement opportunities, particularly for the largely indigenous population in the impoverished southern states. Since 2007, Mexico's powerful transnational criminal organizations have engaged in a struggle to control criminal markets, resulting in tens of thousands of drug-related homicides and forced disappearances.

Continent: North America

Population: 129,875,529 (2023 est.)

Ethnic Groups: Mestizo (Indigenous-Spanish) 62%, predominantly Indigenous 21%, Indigenous 7%, other 10% (mostly European) (2012 est.)

  • note: Mexico does not collect census data on ethnicity

Languages: Spanish only 93.8%, Spanish and indigenous languages 5.4%, indigenous only 0.6%, unspecified 0.2%; note - indigenous languages include various Mayan, Nahuatl, and other regional languages (2020 est.)

Religions: Roman Catholic 78%, Protestant/evangelical Christian 11.2%, other 0.002%, unaffiliated (includes atheism) 10.6% (2020 est.)

Economic Overview: one of the world’s largest economies; USMCA buttresses its manufacturing sector; has underperformed growth targets for three decades; COVID-19 disrupted export-based economy; corruption and cartel-based violence undermine economic stability

Currency: Mexican Peso (MXN)

Reserves of Foreign Exchange & Gold: $201.119 billion (2022 est.) note: holdings of gold (year-end prices)/foreign exchange/special drawing rights in current dollars

Real GDP (Purchasing Power Parity): $2.583 trillion (2022 est.) note: data in 2017 dollars

Real GDP Growth Rate: 3.9% (2022 est.) note: annual GDP % growth based on constant local currency

Real GDP per Capita: $20,300 (2022 est.) note: data in 2017 dollars


  • $626.298 billion (2022 est.) note: balance of payments - exports of goods and services in current dollars

  • Comparison Ranking: 17

Export Commodities: cars and vehicle parts, computers, delivery trucks, crude petroleum, video displays, insulated wiring (2021)

Export Partners: United States 75% (2019)


  • $668.59 billion (2022 est.) note: balance of payments - imports of goods and services in current dollars

  • Comparison Ranking: 14

Import Commodities: integrated circuits, refined petroleum, cars and vehicle parts, office machinery/parts, telephones (2019)

Import Partners: United States 54%, China 14% (2019)

Natural Resources: petroleum, silver, antimony, copper, gold, lead, zinc, natural gas, timber

Agricultural Products: sugarcane, maize, milk, oranges, sorghum, tomatoes, poultry, wheat, green chillies/peppers, eggs

Industries: food and beverages, tobacco, chemicals, iron and steel, petroleum, mining, textiles, clothing, motor vehicles, consumer durables, tourism

Industrial Production Growth Rate: 

  • 5% (2022 est.) note: annual % change in industrial value added based on constant local currency

  • Comparison Ranking: 61

Labor Force: 58.718 million (2022 est.)

Unemployment Rate: 3.26% (2022 est.) note: % of labor force seeking employment

Natural Hazards: tsunamis along the Pacific coast, volcanoes and destructive earthquakes in the center and south, and hurricanes on the Pacific, Gulf of Mexico, and Caribbean coasts

  • Volcanism: volcanic activity in the central-southern part of the country; the volcanoes in Baja California are mostly dormant; Colima (3,850 m), which erupted in 2010, is Mexico's most active volcano and is responsible for causing periodic evacuations of nearby villagers; it has been deemed a Decade Volcano by the International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior, worthy of study due to its explosive history and close proximity to human populations; Popocatepetl (5,426 m) poses a threat to Mexico City; other historically active volcanoes include Barcena, Ceboruco, El Chichon, Michoacan-Guanajuato, Pico de Orizaba, San Martin, Socorro, and Tacana; see note 2 under "Geography - note"


  • Total: 1,964,375 sq km

  • Land: 1,943,945 sq km

  • Water: 20,430 sq km

(Country Summary, The World Factbook,

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